The Era of Injectables

Woman in Ann Arbor, MI preparing for her cosmetic surgery journey

One of the fastest growing trends in the medical aesthetics world is the use of injectables. At our Ann Arbor practice, injectable treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers are highly popular for their anti-aging results, contouring powers, and quick appointments. When performed by skilled and experienced injectors, these minimally invasive procedures can create a youthful, rejuvenated, and attractive appearance without the need for surgery.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the current trends in injectables and explain what you need to know about getting a safe, effective treatment.

Why People Love Injectables

Injectable treatments have become increasingly popular in large part due to their accessibility. Neuromodulators such as BOTOX and dermal fillers such as the JUVÉDERM® and Restylane® product lines require just a quick series of injections to deliver impressive results. They’re commonly referred to as “lunchtime procedures,” because they’re minimally invasive and quick enough to get done during a lunch break. They require no downtime and are typically lower in cost than surgical options.

However, even though these treatments are known for their accessibility, it’s important to remember that they are medical procedures and should always be performed by a qualified injector. Proper administration lowers the risk of complications and creates the highest quality results.

Trends in Injectables

While treatments such as BOTOX were once just a way to reverse signs of aging, many board-certified plastic surgeons have seen a rise in the use of injectables as preventive treatments. Men and women, often in their 20s and 30s, are choosing procedures with the goal of avoiding larger, more invasive rejuvenation treatments in the future. Each small tweak acts as a form of maintenance, preventing the need for more dramatic measures down the line.

Over-exaggerated outcomes are also becoming less desirable as more patients use injectables to make subtle tweaks or improvements to their natural look. Rather than seeking dramatic transformations, the men and women who visit our practice are now more interested in subtly enhancing their appearance or adjusting small concerns around specific features.

Today’s injectables can even provide temporary alternatives to surgical procedures. Potential facelift patients, for example, can essentially preview what their results may look like before choosing a surgical procedure for a long-term change.

Your Treatment

Injectables can create major improvements with just minor downtime, but it’s essential to pursue treatment with a qualified and experienced injector. Our injection team includes board-certified plastic surgeons, a physician assistant, and a registered nurse.

To see real patient filler results, please visit our before-and-after photo gallery.

If you would like to learn more about injectables at our Ann Arbor practice, please contact us online or call (734) 712-2323 (option 2) to request a consultation.

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